Our 2018 adventure was the first year all four of us made it together. For one reason or another on of us missed the prior years. This year we really mixed up the activities and had a little bit of everything. You will have the opportunity to climb and rappel, mountain bike, river raft, fly fish, and go skeet shooting.
As an added bonus, this location and itinerary has some of the best breweries we have ever had the pleasure to visit. So, let's just say that we had a beer or two on this trip and that if you like beer as much as we like beer, you should have an excellent time.
Price: $5
Click below to purchase the itinerary and story of our trip. It will give you a step by step guide to our trip and links to recreate it for you and your friends.
You will get a downloadable PDF that you can use to to plan and build a great outdoor adventure trip.
Plus, we hope you enjoy the story of our trip as simply a great read as well.